Tuesday 9 October 2012

Si Maya ang Gaya-gayang Buwaya
Author: Jomike tejido
Year of publication: 2011
Publisher: anvil publishing inc.


                        As you glance through the storybook that Jomike Tejido knock together with the Anvil Publishing Inc. it churns out eruditions about the society, culture and individuals. You’ll be capable of boasting crucial and essential issues that we frequently come into contact with. Exemplar in life, you can keep track to read between the lines given that the story has copious, lavish and ethical lessons to subsist. It is impressive that in our own little way we have a propensity to put our schemes together and to dole out these things to the younglings.

            First and foremost, this is an upright and virtuous fable. A fable is a story that has a literary genre. According to the site that I've seen as I browse the internet a fable is, A short allegorical narrative making a moral point, traditionally by means of animal characters that speak and act like human beings.” On the whole, the story play part with animals, representing themselves as human beings. The good thing about fables is that it upholds morals that we can grasp.

            By and large, the course of action that Maya (the central character) did was partially unmerited. In view of the fact that she draw on replicating the deeds and ideas of other being, it was in the vein of demonstrating lack of respect. One should be aware to confer others with admiration and reverence. In the current stream of the story, what Maya did was redundant. She makes use of copying and copying others. Case in point, we should be responsible in our own actions. We should deal with the proper behavior and a hand round knowledge of our intellectual capacity should be broad.  In spite of the fact that Maya imitated quite a lot of endeavor we can make out towards the end that she coerce to lend a hand to her fellow. Maya put up a plan to dupe their rivals. In all fairness, it was something vindictive to lean behind the back of the plan. Since in the mindset of her comrades her actions is resentful, it turn out to be hard for them to trust in Maya's plan. To boot up with other people is our trustworthiness. We learn lessons from our mistakes. Likewise, we tend to put up actions that are in the bound of helping our fellow. Lessons learned must be our footstep to change!

              Impartial in life, many social issues arouse that dwell within the story. You may get a hold of the idea of plagiarism in this context. You can easily get ideas as you surf the net. But the consequences are just behind your back. Lifting your blemish imperfection to the youth isn't a good paradigm. In one way or another, the story mostly put in the picture that imitating is not respectable. Plagiarism as well is not superb in our lives, it merely shows how we act lethargic at times. This is a superlative way to expound that the idea of stealing other's works, deeds and ideas are not essential in our lives.

             This book is suitable for all ages, in the mere fact that it promotes morals that we can lay hands on. Of course, you'll put on ground books that will each our kids good virtues and values in life. I do recommend this book to all the kids longing for righteous accomplishments in life. In all fairness, this book comprise with an assortment of visualization. The cover and illustrations of the book itself can elucidate the flow of the story. Through visualizing it molds substantial knowledge in our mind. In the matter of not being biased, this is a perfect package in an affordable and realistic prize. On the contrary, this book ought to get your attention with a glimpse. It can satisfy and give you pleasure all throughout reading!
** MARIA FE G. PONDEVIDA is currently a student of Miriam College. She is now on her first year of college taking up Child Development and Education. She is a 17 years old kid who dreams big in life. She never fail to persevere on life and go on what she uphold. A current member of the Child Development and Education Circle.

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